} Daily Scripture Explained Letter From the Editor's Desk: Reparations Are Biblical: A Call for Justice in Black History Month

45 Day Read The Gospel Challenge

Letter From the Editor’s Desk: Reparations Are Biblical: A Call for Justice in Black History Month

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Isaiah 41:10  KJV  “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

Hello Family in Christ,

I just finished my devotion and prayer about the foolishness of government spending, government lies,  and the denial of reparations for black people. I am furious.  One minute, we are broke and need to cut the deficit; the next, we are funding foreign nations. We are told the U.S. will not spend money on the Gaza Strip because there will be investments, yet we the United States are going to own it—how does that make sense?

Announcing policy before it is policy. Announcing on social media plans not complete in negotiation mode, upsetting people and giving people a stark reminder of what it was like under President Trump last presidential administration and Twitter.

I support the Trump administration. I know it is not perfect, but change was necessary to stop government theft. However, the dramatic rhetoric needs to be toned down—otherwise, the chaos will become unbearable, just as it did in his last term. That’s why he lost to Biden—too much drama and emboldened extremists. This must be addressed immediately.

Meanwhile, seniors get a mere $10 raise-send a stimulus check, and there is still no plan for reparations for Black Americans. Billions were discovered to have gone to people with no Social Security numbers, and millions are allocated for people who are to be deported. 

Yet, no acknowledgment is given to the Black voters who were instrumental in electing this administration. Four years ago, Ice Cube negotiated with them, but most had already mailed in their votes before agreements were finalized. Now, Black people have shown up in a big way—so where is the deal? Where is the money?  Where are the announcement of plans?

Lets not save in one area and back foreign wars that are not necessary with the savings when we are in need.

Below I am sharing my personal testimony of a stolen legacy and why I come with the fire for reparations, and biblical scripture for the prophetic word for reparation and why Restitution and punitive damages should be considered—This author proposed with careful consideration and in comparison too what was given to others and what was stolen from our people, $700,000 per person over 30 years old, tax-free, along with the remaining provisions of Ice Cube’s contract in the first 100 days.

The U.S. legal system awards restitution to make victims financially whole and punitive damages to punish wrongdoing and prevent its recurrence. 

Let’s talk about it.


Letter from the editor's desk

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I firmly believe African Americans with enslaved ancestors in the U.S. should receive reparations within Trump’s first 100 days of $700,000 tax free. If not, he should be impeached because reparations are biblical. The economy will shift, and without homeownership, Black Americans—often the last hired and first fired—will struggle to survive.  I read a book about the downfall of the 20th century by a former economic presidential advisor many years ago. 

It came with a tape. Everything in it is coming true.  It is the time of the intellectual and not industry revolution, other countries will fall first because they are depending on trade with the US. That will be the first sign of a depression worst than the 1930″s. 

Silver and gold will be the commodity and the government will start buying it.  People will buy used and get things repaired instead of buying.  They will repair shoes, appliances, furniture etc… There will be midnight raids in apartments, black outs like 1977 New York, and people will be homeless that have never been homeless before. People who have worked all their lives.

I am sure the government is working to prevent much of this but the bible prophetic word states trouble is coming regardless of who is president.  Therefore, people must prepare now and not depend on the government bail outs because there will not be any. If they get rid of the IRS they will strip benefits, education money and prices of goods will go up as other countries who do not collect personal income tax are doing now.

Biblical Precedent for Reparations

Reparations, or the act of making amends for oppression and wrongdoing, are supported in the Bible.

Luke 19:8-9 (KJV) – Zacchaeus’ Restitution
Zacchaeus, a corrupt tax collector, repaid those he wronged fourfold. True repentance requires action, not just words.

Luke 10: 8-10KJV  8And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold. 9And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this house, for so much as he also is a son of Abraham. 10For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost

Leviticus 25:10 KJV – The Year of Jubilee
Every 50 years, property was returned to original owners to prevent generational poverty.

Leviticus 25:10 KJV  “And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaimed liberty throughout all the land, unto al the inhabitants thereof: It shall be a Jubilee unto you, and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return  every man unto his family.

God’s justice demands reparations. Our land was stolen, our bloodlines disrupted, and we suffered systemic injustices—denied homes, subjected to racist banking practices, and targeted by discriminatory laws.

Personal Testimony: A Stolen Legacy

My grandmother, born around 1919, owned a large house on acres of land. My father, an only child and a soldier, was just 19 when she died. He and my mother was married, I was two years old and we all were living with my grandmother. Upon my grandmothers death, immediately, the county seized the home claiming non-payment of property taxes. He paid the property taxes.  It hurt him badly because my mother was pregnant with my sister. He was the only child that inherit the house and was in the army-serving the country.

They did not offer him a change to pay (again).  The year up in a few days.   He believed until his death at 74 that the theft was intentional. If he had fought back, they likely would have killed him. The Ku Klux Klan was active in our small town. My family went from homeowners to renters, moving from place to place, struggling.

My father worked hard but could not always find steady work. He managed nightclubs and cooked.  He told me at eleven years old that he was leaving, “When a man can’t bring home the bacon, he has to leave.” My mother, a seamstress, years later went from Keypunch operator to a computer programmer on her job.

I started working at 12 to help out. Without stable homeownership, our struggles were greater. My other grandmother passed and left land to my mother. My mother eventually purchased a home through Jim Walter Homes, where landowners could build and pay monthly. That house saved us. Without it, my sister and I wouldn’t have attended college.

The Economic Reality: Why Reparations Matter

Today, Black homeownership is abysmal—only 4.04% of all U.S. homeowners are Black, despite making up 13.6% of the population. High rents and unstable jobs keep us from building generational wealth. Many with master’s degrees work low-wage jobs and live with parents or partners just to survive. Reparations are not about personal need; they are about justice. They represent stolen generational wealth that must be restored.

Faith, Action, and Reparations

Malcolm X, though initially Muslim, was baptized as a Christian in the Jordan River before his assassination. He taught Black people to fight for themselves even unto death. Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist preacher, led us to victory through nonviolent resistance. They both understood the power of faith in action.

We don’t need to march or shed blood. We need to pray, attend church, and tithe. If you don’t have the means to tithe, you need reparations. Ask God to bless you so you can give. We have not because we ask not. God is waiting to bless you—put in your request. Find and go to church this Sunday.  Go to alter call and pray for reparations. God answers the faith.

The Bible is prophetic. Economic shifts are coming. Foreign markets will collapse. The U.S. will trade less. The world economy will not be the same as it is today.  US is the largest of consumer goods in the world.  As of recent data, the United States remains one of the largest consumer markets globally. In 2023, U.S. household final consumption expenditure was approximately $21 trillion, accounting for about 69% of its GDP. 

Revelation 18:11 (KJV)
“And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buys their merchandise [from them] anymore.”

Our leaders know what is coming. Reparations must happen now. The U.S. government has paid billions to other groups. It’s time for justice for Black Americans. Reparations are not a handout—they are a biblical, legal, and moral obligation.

Let’s demand what is rightfully ours by making comments on social media and black media, send an email to your senator. But first take it to God so he may direct your steps.  


reparations for Black Americans, biblical justice, economic justice, Black homeownership, generational wealth, U.S. legal system, punitive damages, restitution, systemic racism, economic disparity, land theft, Black wealth gap, government spending, faith and finance, prophetic economics, racial equity, biblical prophecy, homeownership crisis, economic restoration, historical injustices

#ReparationsNow, #BiblicalJustice, #BlackHomeownership, #EconomicJustice, #GenerationalWealth, #WealthGap, #RacialEquity, #Restitution, #PunitiveDamages, #FaithAndFinance, #GovernmentSpending, #HomeownershipCrisis, #BlackWealth, #JusticeForAll, #EconomicRestoration, #SystemicRacism, #BiblicalProphecy, #WeDeserveBetter, #HistoryMatters, #FinancialFreedom

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John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Romans 10:9-10  9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.

  John 3:5-6  5Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.



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