Day 31: 45 Days to Read the Gospel Challenge: Salvation is FREE – The Gospel of Mark : Forgive them Father for They know Not What They Do.
It is Day 31 out of 45 days to study the Gospel. We are studying two lessons a day. Please work at your own pace. If you did not start at day one, do not worry. Each lesson is self-contained and you can start anywhere and anytime. Please support these efforts by commenting in the comment section of each lesson on the reflection questions or on Daily Scripture Explained’s social media pages. The author and others will engage with you.
It is suggested to read the page and answer the quiz. If short for time, later watch the short videos. Take notes or copy lessons for later reviewing or sharing.
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The Gospel consists of the four books in the New Testament that gives the teachings of Jesus Christ, written by John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew.
Overview of the Gospel of Mark:
Mark “Mark John” is also known as “John” in the Book of Acts. He is not John the Baptist. Peter (disciple) was a mentor to Mark. Mark did not walk with Jesus but ministered under Peter. Peter called Mark, his son. Mark’s work was written in Italy around A.D. 50-70 before the Book of Acts. Mark’s work is referred to as the “Memoirs of Peter” because he was very close to the disciple Peter and listen to everything Peter said. The Gospel of Luke borrowed a lot of Mark’s notes.
The Gospel of Mark focuses on the miracles that Jesus performed while spreading his ministry in Galilee. Mark’s Gospel emphasizes Jesus Christ’s human nature, emotions, and limitations. *Note: This side of Jesus demonstrates that there aren’t any human conditions that he is not aware of and therefore his believers can know that he understands our problems and situations.
Keywords: #sabbath, #apostles, #12disciples, #blasphemy, #unforgiveablesin, #jesusrelatives, #holyspirit,#healing, #forgivenesofsins, #calledsinnersnottherighteous, #disciplescalled, #markjohn, #gospelofmark, #memorisofpeter, , #sonofpeter, #spiritoftruth, #eternallife, #salvationisfree, #45daychallenge, #repentance, #repent, #gospelaccordingtoluke, #eprayercircle, #treasureofheaven, #worthyisthelamb, #godoftheliving, #freebiblestudy, #freebibleclassses, #freeonlinebiblelessons, #kingjamesversion, #whatsinthedarkwillcometothelight, #peacebestill, #grainofamustardsee, #soweroftheword, #apostles, #12disciples, #heaven, #holyspirit, #healing, #forgivenesofsins, #disciplescalled, #markjohn, #gospelofmark, #memorisofpeter, , #sonofpeter, #spiritoftruth, #eternallife, #salvationisfree, #45daychallenge, #repentance, #repent, #gospelaccordingtoluke, #eprayercircle, #treasureofheaven, #worthyisthelamb, #godoftheliving, #freebiblestudy, #freebibleclassses, #freeonlinebiblelessons, #kingjamesversion
Summary of lesson fifteen and lesson sixteen
Note: Jesus really died by giving up his ghost and putting it in the Father’s hand. Even then his last famous words were” Luke 23:34 “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.
And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.” John 19:30 “When Jesus, therefore, had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.”
Note: Jesus gave an excellent example, we are to love our enemies. John 10: 17-18 17Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have the power to lay it down, and I have the power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.”
Jesus gave the world a blood sacrifice – allowing the repentance of sin. He died on a Friday. Buried on the Sabbath. Then he rose on the third day, Sunday, the first day of the week according to the Hebrew calendar. Later, the Sabbath was changed by the Catholic Church to Sunday because that is the day Jesus rose from the grave — completing the prophecy of becoming Savior of the World. The Last Supper, drinking of the wine (Jesus’ blood), and eating the bread (Jesus’ flesh), is celebrated today in remembrance of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins.
Chapter 16
After Jesus rose from the grave. Jesus sent the disciples out to preach the Gospel with the Holy Spirit that gave them power. Jesus commanded them to offer the gift of salvation with baptism. They had the power to cast out devils, speak in tongues, take up serpents, and heal the sick. The disciples were protected from deadly drinks and food. God was with them until it was time for them to go to heaven.
Mark 16: 19-20 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God. 20And they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.
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Keywords: #forgivethemfather, #itisfinished, #paradise, #kingofjews, ##love #blessed, #houseofprayer, #thefigtree, #havefaithingod, #godanswersthefaith #allthingsarepossible, #prayerandfasting, #mark15, #jesuschristislord, #faith, #belive, #jesusrelatives, #holyspirit,#healing, #forgivenesofsins, #gospelofmark, #memorisofpeter, , #sonofpeter, #spiritoftruth, #eternallife, #salvationisfree, #45daychallenge, #repentance, #repent, #eprayercircle, #treasureofheaven, #worthyisthelamb, #godoftheliving, #freebiblestudy, #freebibleclassses, #freeonlinebiblelessons, #kingjamesversion #watchandpray, #second coming, #watch, #heavenandearthwillpassaway, #love #blessed, #houseofprayer, #thefigtree, #havefaithingod, #godanswersthefaith #allthingsarepossible, #prayerandfasting, #mark11, #jesuschristislord, #faith, #belive, #jesusrelatives, #holyspirit,#healing, #forgivenesofsins, #gospelofmark, #memorisofpeter, , #sonofpeter, #spiritoftruth, #eternallife, #salvationisfree, #45daychallenge, #repentance, #repent, #eprayercircle, #treasureofheaven, #worthyisthelamb, #godoftheliving, #freebiblestudy, #freebibleclassses, #freeonlinebiblelessons, #kingjamesversion #losehissoul, #getbehindmesata, #Jesusfeeds4000, #jesushealstheblind, #jesushealsdeafanddumb, #sabbath, #apostles, #faith, #belive, #jesusrelatives, #holyspirit,#healing, #forgivenesofsins, #calledsinnersnottherighteous, #disciplescalled, #markjohn, #gospelofmark, #memorisofpeter, , #sonofpeter, #spiritoftruth, #eternallife, #salvationisfree, #45daychallenge, #repentance, #repent, #gospelaccordingtoluke, #eprayercircle, #treasureofheaven, #worthyisthelamb, #godoftheliving, #freebiblestudy, #freebibleclassses, #freeonlinebiblelessons, #kingjamesversion
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While you are taking the 90-Day Challenge. Why not start studying the Gospel? Include the 45-Day to learn the Gospel Challenge. It’s free.
Start anytime. Let’s make 2023 Victory in Jesus Christ in all areas of our lives starting with ourselves- FREE.
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***Disclosure: Below graphics are not affiliated links. There is nothing to buy. Hit Gospel Playlist Click Hear –
Romans 10:17 KJV “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” YouTube Channel Click Here
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***Call to Salvation:
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Romans 10:9-10 9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation
John 3:5-6 5Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is the Spirit.
Prayer Request
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Call to salvation
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Romans 10:9-10 9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation
John 3:5-6 5Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is the Spirit.
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