45 Day Read The Gospel Challenge

Tagged: Holy Spirit guidance


Unlock the Power of Fellowship: Building a Relationship with Jesus Through Prayer and Devotion

Spending time with Jesus is essential for developing a deep and meaningful relationship with Him. Just as in any friendship, a close bond requires time, communication, and attention. As believers,...

best friends

Daily Word: Choosing Wise Relationships: Navigating the Road of Life with Faith and Friendship

Keywords:  #wise relationships, #faith and friendship, #Holy Spirit guidance, #biblical wisdom, #choosing companions, bible verse, scripture, #bible study   In the journey of life, the company we keep plays a...


Letter From the Editor? What Does the New Testament Bible Really Say About Tithing?

Good Morning ePrayer Circle’s Tribe Member,  I’m drinking coffee in my kitchen and thought about how we survived the eclipse on Monday, when so many said we would not. Have...


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